How I computer.

When I was a kid I had a actual desktop PC. It was a Packard Bell something or other, running Windows 95. Now I use an HP laptop, running Windows 10. It isn't special, it doesn't have beer flavored nipples, and it doesn't do gaming because I don't really give a fuck about gaming. I use Windows rather than Linux because I actually have to get shit done, and I use Windows 10 in particular because Microsoft is going to fuck us all in the ass anyway, might as well lube it up and make it painless.

I don't really browse the internet that much. I have a dozen or so RSS feeds that I keep track of via my mail client. I don't use any social media. I do occasionally watch YouTube, but I only subscribe to a small handful of channels, via RSS. My browser of choice is Firefox, and my email client is Thunderbird. They both suck, but I have determined that they suck the least. My email client displays in plain text only, so no HTML fuckery of any sort abounds in my inbox.

I have an android smartphone, it's not flagship, and this is because I don't use that many apps. If you aren't a social media addicted retard, you'll be shocked at how smoothly a device can run when it isn't being fucked over by RAM hogs like Facefuck or Instawhore. I just don't need a powerful device, is my point. The phone is usually turned off and sitting on my desk. I only ever turn it on when I leave the house, and let's be honest folks, that doesn't happen too often.

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